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We provide a full range of sevices



We perform audit based on comprehensive information and auditing standards to ensure financial statements are fairly presented in order to meet expectations of investors, debtors, management or other potential financial statements users.


In addition, our professional services and abundant knowledge can provide value-added services to our clients, such as identify business expansion opportunity, improve corporate process control and financial reporting system and more.


● Singapore  ● Malaysia  ● People’s Republic of China (PRC)



● Property development  ● Construction 

● IT services ● Trading  ● Manufacturing  ● Retail ● Shipping ● Charity

Contract Review


Enrome LLP a full-service accountancy practices firm based in Singapore, specializes in public company’s accounting and auditing. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 states that in order to legally perform, prepare and issue audits on publicly owned companies, an accounting firm must be registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). Our firm is proud to be among the few accounting firms in Singapore registered with the PCAOB. The distinction of being a PCAOB registered accounting firm allows us to offer the highest level of service and expertise to our clients.

Enrome LLP currently performs 20-F audits, 6-K reviews, 10-K audits and 10-Q quarterly reviews according to PCAOB standards for companies listed in Nasdaq, NYSE and OTC market. These companies range from start-up and development stage to successful mid-market companies.

Our professional team understands the financial needs of public companies, and fulfills the role of accountant, auditor. Our commitment is independently validated by outside third party inspection through peer reviews and Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) inspections.

Image by ben o'bro


To reach profit-seeking objectives, an enterprise must not only be able to integrate available resources, but also align resources with operating strategies in order to improve its competitiveness.


Our consultants can provide diversified consulting services with unique solutions to overcome challenges clients face. Our customised solutions are developed based on a thorough understanding of engagement background, supported by detail analysis in order to increase corporate background, supported by detail analysis in order to increase corporate governance, lower operating risk and improve efficiency in resource usage.

Young Business Colleagues
Business Consulting


We act as a trusted adviser to companies and investors as they take on the challenges of strategic, operational and financial restructuring. In the process, we place a particularly high priority on developing sustainable restructuring concepts that address both the market and competitive environment as well as specific factors for success.


We act as a coordinator for restructuring processes, as an objective expert in receivership and a neutral third party who provides quantitatively supported advice to address the interests of management, shareholders, lenders and other stakeholders. With a wealth of experience in strategic, operational, and financial restructuring, we can offer a complete management solution and "one-stop-shop" approach to turning around companies.

Business Team
Corporate Restructure


Our services include:


Corporate governance advisory - providing consultancy to boards, audit committees and management to strengthen organizations' corporate governance frameworks


Internal audit - outsourcing and co-sourcing to develop and execute risk based audit plans that focus on the greatest issues organizations face in the achievement of their strategic objectives.

Corporate Governance
Secretarial Services


Complying with the corporate legal requirements in Singapore is a complex undertaking. This entails fulfilling the intricate statutory obligations as set by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). In addition, the Singapore Companies Act mandates every company to appoint at least one local secretary within six months from the date of its company incorporation.


We have more than just the requisite knowledge and experience in assisting the entities to discharge all tasks involved and in compliance with corporate obligations in an efficient manner. This leaves your hands free to take up more pressing matters to grow your business.

Checking Text on a Document


We recognise that your business is your top priority and as such you have to dedicate more time to manage its core functions and concentrate on business opportunities. Our team of experienced accountants and passionate professionals work with accuracy, confidentiality, and integrity employing money saving strategies and financial best practices to take over your accounting responsibilities for you.


We will fulfill the regulatory requirements of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and the Inland Revenue Authority (IRAS) by maintaining proper and complete documentation. For business owners, it means lesser cost, higher productivity, and greater gains with minimal fuss.




Enrome’s investigation services focus on the preparation of specialised reports that are tailored for the specific needs of users. Our clients range from individuals to companies to specialists. We often work with lawyers as expert advisors, specialists or expert witnesses on technical matters that could involve financial data analysis, interpretation of accounting treatments or financial statements, or any other areas of financial fraud or investigation. We provide an in-depth analysis of complex transactions and assess the economic reality of intricate transactions. The services provided are broad covering areas such as tracing of transactions, independent fact-finding, forensic accounting, and valuation of opportunity costs, among others.


Our role as investigation or forensic accountants is drawn from our experiences in the various professional services that we provide and on which we advise. Our core expertise comes from our knowledge and involvement in audits, accounting, taxation, valuation, liquidation, and business advisory work. 


Our core teams of investigation accountants specialize in looking at issues outside the box backed by a solid technical team of experts. It is important that issues are looked at in other than the traditional or compliance basis as most frauds and offences are committed outside the system or in ways that are other than acceptable or obvious.

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